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DIVE Studios (영어)

"Actor Carson Allen joins the DIVE Studios to talk about her unique upbringing as an American child growing up outside the U.S. in Japan and South Korea. She explains how watching K-dramas in her teens shaped her dreams and what it was like to return back to Korea alone"


The JoongAng Daily News Paper (영어)

"The Foreign cast of the new Netflix Korea Original Series "So Not Worth it" sit down with 'The Korea JoongAng Daily News Paper' (in association with 'The New York Times') to discuss their show and share some of the ups and downs they have encountered while trying to pursue a full time career in acting while in a foreign country." 


Arirang Radio - K-Poppin (영어)

"American actress Carson Allen joined Arirang Radio host Isak on this episode of 'K-Poppin' to share her life story and what it was like growing up as a third culture kid. She also talks about her work in the Korean film industry and what it was like filming the popular KBS drama 'When the Camellia Blooms'." 


TBS FM 라디오 - 김규리의 퐁당퐁당

"오늘의 깜짝 초대석! 드라마 '동백꽃 필 무렵'의 헬레나 역을 연기해 주신 배우 카슨과 함께했습니다."


​덕질 기자 - 덕질인터뷰

"어눌한 말투의 외국인 아니죠! 아침에 삼선 슬리퍼에 국밥 먹으러 가는 외국인 맞습니다! 한국인보다 더 한국인 같은 "내일지구가망해버렸으면좋겠어"의 카슨 요아킴 테리스 삼인방~ 실제로도 쩔친인 세사람이 들려주는 지구망의 비하인드 스토리^^ 지금 바로 덕기자에서 확인하세요."



"미국에서 온 한국 외국인 여배우 카슨의 솔직한 인터뷰 안녕하세요 씨쿠니입니다. 이번주에는 이미 유튜브에서 많이들 알려진 카슨을 모시고 인터뷰를 나눠봤는데요. 인터뷰내용이 길어 2부작으로 나누게 되었습니다."


DIVE Studios (영어)

"American Actor Carson joins the DIVE Studios again. In this episode she outlines how she ended up pursuing a career in the arts and discusses more about her process as an actor and tease details of her upcoming series on Netflix."


TBS eFM Radio - Life Abroad (영어)

"For this week's interview segment "All About You" we have invited actress Carson Allen, a.k.a. Helena from the popular TV drama series "When the Camellia Blooms" into the studio. Watch as she talks about her childhood and her experience in acting in Korea!"


TBS eFM Radio - Life Abroad (영어)

"In this weekly interview segment where we meet people who make up the fabric of Korean society and those who are passing through we have Carson Allen, Terris Brown and Joakim Sorensen speaking about their experience bringing diversity to Korean film and TV." 


Star-K - STATV

"동백꽃 필 무렵'은 인생 최고 드라마! 헬레나 - 카슨엘렌 인터뷰!"


Star Survey - VIEWBOX

"외국인 맞아? 한국말 잘해도 너무 잘하는 넷플릭스 시리즈 '지구망' 각양각색의 유학생들 케미 뿜뿜! 배우 카슨, 테리스, 요아킴과 인터뷰를 진행했습니다."



"미국에서 온 여배우 카슨과 함께 나눈 토크쇼 안녕하세요 씨쿠니입니다. 오늘은 지난주 카슨의 소개 인터뷰에 이어서 본격적인 토크를 나눠보았습니다."

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